Hello again, I am fully aware of my determination to blog regularly and frequently in my previous posts to you all. I know that it has been around a month since I have last taken to the screen and keyboard to paint some of my thoughts to this digital canvas. I have considered the possibility that I am not a blogger, hopping onto the silk road of our digital age. Putting the Utopian sentiment of the Internet aside would like to rudely have a one sided rant to anyone who could take the time to receive it. This method of venting stray thoughts is much better than traditional methods as it saves me actually burdening someone in person with a bombardment of words leaving them feeling used and subdued and their ears abused.
My excuse for not being here is that I can't seem to find the time. However I'm writing to you on a Tuesday morning partly because I now have a surplus of time. I work at a supermarket as a general body working whatever shifts people don't want, meaning that I have a perpetually fluctuating rota. This week however, the store manager unexpectedly decided that everyone is to work minimal hours, which leaves me with the week mostly off. Of course being a graduate in an unskilled job I constantly doubt the reason behind my seniors decisions, in extension many of my college and the management seem to hold the same view that this manager is simply making everything up as he goes along, each day a new idea is asserted without regard for the previous or too much consideration for the next.
Please forgive the digression, I notice in my attitudes and certainly in the words of my peers a specific sentiment of how our world seems to work. That there exists systems and authorities ensuring every ones safety and direction ensuring the world remains a just and fair. When a person says that "they" wouldn't let something happen they, in my opinion are enacting this attitude that there exists some higher authority pushing us into the correct decisions not letting us stumble astray. Our world at the moment does seem to be full of systems and authorities, but non of which bare the omnipotence which i imagined when I was younger. The older I become the more I begin to realise that our lives aren't ultimately directed and watched over we are simply making it up as we go along and so as I age I am filled with increasing insecurities. Governments are lead by people no different to anyone else, systems of authority only have the image that they are appropriate to justify their position.
This is very much how my studies in Sociology made the world appear, as a naive student being cuddled by the education system it was easy to take on board. But as an individual which now must consider careers, finances, my own and potentially others well beings it's become a daunting realisation. Our society, in other words are world and security is a whim which people seem to have accepted into being the definition of our existence.
Please forgive the poorly laid out and possibly terrible content of this post. It was composed while being distracted and tired.
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